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Function: withDisabledNameIndices()

withDisabledNameIndices(): DevtoolsFeature

Defined in: libs/ngrx-toolkit/src/lib/devtools/features/with-disabled-name-indicies.ts:29

If multiple instances of the same SignalStore class exist, their devtool names are indexed.

For example:

const Store = signalStore(

const store1 = new Store(); // will show up as 'flights'
const store2 = new Store(); // will show up as 'flights-1'

With adding withDisabledNameIndices to the store:

const Store = signalStore(
withDevtools('flights', withDisabledNameIndices())

const store1 = new Store(); // will show up as 'flights'
const store2 = new Store(); //💥 throws an error

